Do you know that it is possible for you to secure University admission without JAMB in Nigeria & abroad?

In this guide,
You will see legit methods on how to gain admission without JAMB UTME into 200 or even 300Level of your course in any University & all you need to know before applying.
ALSO SEE: How To Gain Admission With Low JAMB Score
Take note.
These are not illegal means of admission but legit alternatives recognized officially by both Federal and State institutions.
See how to gain admission without JAMB UTME
Going for any of these JAMB alternatives does not guarantee automatic admission.
You’ll still have to meet their respective requirements depending on your school & course.
1. Go for IJMB program
IJMB — Interim Joint Matriculation Board is a 9-month A’Level program.
After successful application, you will resume lectures in any of the IJMB study centres nationwide and sit for their final exam at the end of the program.
Passing that final exam gets you an A’Level certificate that you can use to APPLY FOR DIRECT ENTRY ADMISSION without JAMB.
IJMB certificate is valid for life and currently accepted for admission by over 80% of Federal, State & Private Universities in Nigeria.
Also, ensure to confirm that your preferred school is among the UNIVERSITIES THAT ACCEPT IJMB before applying for this program.
2. Go for JUPEB program
JUPEB — Joint Universities Preliminary Examination Board is another federal government approved A’Level program.
You only need an O’Level result to apply for JUPEB and resume their lectures for 8–12 months.
At the end of the program, you will sit for their final exam and pass to get the JUPEB result which can then be used for direct admission without JAMB in many Nigerian UNIVERSITIES THAT ACCEPT JUPEB.
JUPEB result expires after 3 years.
3. Go for Pre-degree program
COST | Over ₦250,000 |
Pre-Degree is another 1-year academic program that you can use to gain admission without JAMB in Nigeria.
It is also called Prelim, Remedial or Foundations program and runs for 8–12 months with lectures taken inside the same University you registered in.
Only your O’Level is required to apply for Pre-degree & once you pass their final exam, your admission is almost certain.
However, Pre-degree result qualifies you for 100 Level (not 200L) admission and this admission can only be in the same University that you did the program in.
Pre-degree result expires after 1 year.
Check with your desired school to confirm if they offer Pre-degree programme & other details.
4. Go for Diploma program
COST | Over ₦500,000 |
Diploma is a 2-year academic program whose certificate can even be used to seek for job.
After your application, lectures resume for the 1st year then an exam which you must pass to be promoted from DIPLOMA 1 (DIP. 1) to DIPLOMA 2 (DIP. 2).
The final exam comes up at the end of DIP 2 lectures which you must pass to get your certificate.
Diploma certificate is VALID FOR LIFE and most accepted for admission without JAMB in that same University you did it in.
However, some Universities accept Diploma certificate gotten from other Universities but not so often.
Confirm that your school does.
5. Go for Part-Time program
Another legit way to gain admission without JAMB is through Part-Time, Sandwich or Distance Learning program.
Part-Time is a complete Degree program but with lectures only in the evenings or on weekends & therefore an extended duration of 1—2 years longer that the Full-Time version.
It was originally created for the working-class who only have time to spare on weekends or evenings but now, anyone can apply.
Upon successful completion of a Part-Time program, you will receive a Bachelor degree certificate which is the same with what those who GAINED ADMISSION WITH JAMB will receive when they graduate too.
Whether gotten from Part-Time or Full-Time, Bachelor degree certificate does NOT expire.
Check with your desired school to confirm their Part-Time, Sandwich or Distance Learning program & how to apply.
6. Apply to study in NOUN
NOUN — National Open University of Nigeria is a FEDERAL UNIVERSITY mainly for those who wish to work and learn at the same time.
You only need your O’Level to apply for 100 Level admission without JAMB and A’Level or professional certificate for 200 Level admission.
NOUN programs require NO physical lectures.
You’ll be given all your course materials in PDF, audio or video formats to download online and study anywhere and at your own pace.
Their semester exam holds at any of the NOUN STUDY CENTRES & upon graduation, you will receive the same Bachelor degree as those who gained admission with JAMB.
NOUN certificate is VALID FOR LIFE and well recognized in Nigeria.
Though NOUN does not require JAMB for admission, it requires other results like O’Level and so on.
Ensure you have the correct direct entry and O’Level requirements for your desired course in NOUN before applying.
7. Apply to study abroad
Our final suggestion on how to gain admission without JAMB is to apply to study in Universities outside Nigeria.
Since JAMB is only recognised in Nigeria, schools abroad will always consider you for admission without JAMB provided your O’Level, A’Level or professional certificate is available.
You’ll also have to meet their admission requirements for foreign students.
However, schools abroad can be expensive due to the exchange rate of Naira to foreign currencies.
But if you have a wealthy sponsor, Universities in America or Europe are often better choices.
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