Did you just REGISTER FOR TRCN or failed the exam before and would like to know how to pass TRCN exam?
In this guide,
You will see the sure tips on how to pass your TRCN examination this year once and for all without rewriting even if it has been long you left school.
DOWNLOAD: Free TRCN Past Questions and Answers
Take note.
Only those who pass the examination will be eligible to COLLECT TRCN CERTIFICATE and license as professional teachers.
Teachers with TRCN certificate enjoy higher remuneration and employability, especially in government schools and many big private schools in Nigeria.
What is the pass mark for TRCN exam?
TRCN exam pass mark is 50% which is half of the total number of questions you were asked.
The questions are often fifty in number (some categories or years may contain more).
Score less than half (50%) and that’s failure. Fail three times and you’ll be suspended from rewriting the exam for at least a year.
After the suspension, you’ll be required to pay a penalty fee for permission to register and sit for the exam again.
Would you like to avoid these waste of time and money by passing your TRCN exam once and for all?
See how to pass TRCN examination
TRCN exam is easy to pass for bonafide teachers like YOU.
Whether you just graduated or it has been a while, just follow the TRCN exam tips below for sure success.
1. Register early
When you register early for TRCN exam, your preparation also starts early with enough time to reduce that “exam panic” that we all use to feel.
“Early” here means at least a month before the exam date.
The earlier you register for TRCN and start studying, the more time you have to revise those education topics that you may have forgotten.
The more you refresh your memory on those topics, the better your exam confidence which reduces your panic and improves your overall success rate in the exam.
2. Study according to the TRCN syllabus for your category
According to TRCN, there are four categories of teachers:
- Category A – teachers with a Doctorate degree.
- Category B – teachers with a Master degree.
- Category C – teachers with a Bachelor degree.
- Category D – teachers with an NCE.
…and each of these categories has its own TRCN exam syllabus.
The topics in each syllabus are the same for all categories, but the depth and complexity of areas to be covered under each topic increases with the category.
Only category D teachers are to stick to their syllabus alone.
If you are in any of the higher categories, you are required to study according to both the TRCN syllabus for your Category and that of the categories below yours.
For example.
- Category ‘C’ teachers must study according to Category C and Category D syllabuses.
- Category ‘B’ teachers must study according to Category B, C, and Category D syllabuses.
- Category ‘A’ teachers must study according to Category A, B, C, and Category D syllabuses.
This is because as a higher category teacher (let’s say, Master’s degree holder), it is believed that you must have scaled through the depth of topics at the NCE and first degree level before you reached Masters.
If you are in any of the higher categories, DO NOT PANIC!
Remember that the topics are the same for all categories. So, just read each topic deeper and wider if your category is higher.
It’s the same topics after all.
3. Focus on the Areas of Concentration (AOC)
There twenty-three (23) topics in the syllabus where your TRCN EXAM QUESTIONS will be asked from.
But only six (6) of these topics are the most important.
This means that most of the questions ALWAYS come from these six topics, irrespective of your Category and year of exam.
These six (6) topics are:
- English
- Mathematics
- Use of Library
- Educational Statistics
- Research Methods
So, while you study according to your syllabus(es), focus more on these topics.
Give each of them extra study time because more of your TRCN exam questions will be asked from them than other topics.
4. Study TRCN past questions
There is this misconception about past questions that we want to address first.
Some candidates cram past questions with the hope of seeing the EXACT same questions (word-for-word) in their own exam.
Of course,
Past questions are repeated but in different manner, using different words, and from different areas of the same topic.
Take for example.
A question under Philosophy of Education may ask “Who is the father of Pragmatism?”
A similar question will then be asked again in another year as “The Pragmatic school of thought originated from which country?”
Right there is a repeated past questions.
Did you just wonder how?
They are both from the same area (Pragmatism) in the same topic (Philosophy of Education) – Only the structure was changed.
Past questions are EXPO because they EXPOse you to deeper insight on those particular areas in the topic of your syllabus.
Study past questions for these deeper insights because knowing that John Dewey, an AMERICAN philosopher was the father of pragmatism also tells you that pragmatic school of thought originated from USA.
5. Practice CBT
TRCN exam is CBT.
CBT is short for “Computer Based Test” which means that all your TRCN exam questions will be asked and answered using a computer.
No theory. No OMR sheet.
The questions would have already been programmed on the computer in your exam centre.
All you have to do is click on the correct answer to each question and submit when you are done.
Can you do that?
If you can do that, move straight to the next tip. But if you still struggle with CBTs, then see how to start and finish your TRCN EXAM USING A COMPUTER.
6. Leave no question unanswered
During your exam, there will be some questions from the PIT OF HELL!!
I mean questions that you weren’t expecting and that can throw you off balance but DON’T PANIC.
Just skip them and move to the next.
After answering all the questions you know, go back to that question you skipped and brainstorm for the answer which you may now remember.
And if you still don’t know it, just pick any answer at random.
You’ll have ¼ percent chance of getting that question with your random answer and a zero percent chance when you leave the question blank or unanswered.
So, which chance is better?
7. Submit ONLY when you are done
Make sure you click on the “SUBMIT” or “FINISH EXAM” button at the end of your TRCN exam before leaving the hall.
And also ensure you have answered all the questions before clicking on that button because once you SUBMIT, you cannot go back to the questions again.
You will be tempted to ask someone beside you for an answer to a question you don’t know.
Just remember that that person may be in a higher or lower category from you with different questions entirely.
And even if they are in your category, their number 1 question might be your number 29.
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